The Court of Public Opinion
Audio Live Stream

9am-Midday (ACST)
Every Friday


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The Court of Public Opinion
Audio Live Stream HERE

9am-Midday (ACST)
Every Friday

Teachers time in class rooms, More govt wasted, Very important voice video

It is almost impossible to believe that Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has not read the Uluru statement from the heart and yet he is prepared to spend billions of tax payer dollars on a referendum that he simply has no clue about and to make matters worse, has pledged to implement every recommendation without knowing what he has pledged to implement. (Peter’s thoughts; freely admitting he’s a liberal voter but how about replacing Albanese with someone with a few brains, perhaps Penny Wong). Surely anyone would be better than Albo who still hasn’t sued the person who publicly called him a liar. Australia deserves better.

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